$999.00 AUD

Empowered Emotions

When you sign up for Empowered Emotions you receive:

  • Fortnightly LIVE group calls with question and answer time to discuss any challenges or difficulties specific to YOUR family’s needs with OT Inspire Director & Occupational Therapist, Mia Poklepovich
  • Daily support through our ACTIVE confidential group chat function from Mia, the OT Inspire team and each other
  • The opportunity to build connections through a group based program to help your family thrive through emotional connection, resilience and confidence. 

As the FIRST group of Empowered Emotions clients you will also receive at no extra charge: 

  • A 1:1 30 minute consultation call with Mia Poklepovich- Director & Senior Therapist at OT Inspire  - including a sensory processing overview and follow up personalised resources with specific strategies for one family member (more can be purchased within the program at a later time if you wish) valued at $750
  • Bonus - Free Access to our Fine Motor Skills Workshop
  • Our OT Inspire Australia Family Connection Pack (Our exclusive signature family resource pack to support emotional and sensory regulation within the home) Valued at $250.00
  • Our OT Inspire Australia Whole Family Journal pack valued at $150