Empowered Emotions

A six week program lead by OT Inspire Director and Occupational Therapist Mia Poklepovich for parents and caregivers of children of all ages.
Learn practical and personal strategies tried and tested in our clinic daily. 


Does this sound familiar?


You're finding it difficult to be present and calm when parenting - which leads you to snap at your children and feel an overwhelming sense of guilt afterwards.


You're worried that you're not "doing enough" to help your child navigate their emotions even though you've read all the parenting books and articles trying to find the answer.


You feel like you’re operating out of fight or flight mode most evenings, however you can’t seem to get out of it with the never ending household tasks and demands of a busy household.


You feel like everyone around you ‘knows best’ and you can’t help but feel like you are not doing enough for your child to help them build connection, confidence and resilience in today’s high stress environment .


You’re tired of being told WHAT’S BEST for YOUR child by people outside of your family unit. 


Instead you want tried and tested strategies and solutions to support your household through the big emotions so you can start to thrive TOGETHER.

Empowered Emotions

The complete roadmap to empower you and your  family to navigate emotions, build resilience and create the confidence to co-regulate together to THRIVE. 
A six week program lead by OT Inspire Director and Occupational Therapist Mia Poklepovich for parents and caregivers of children of all ages. Learn practical and personal strategies tried and tested in our clinic daily.

Inside you’ll discover: 

✔ How to not just validate emotions, but how to create a safe space to process emotions together while building on connection.
✔ Strategies to build resilience and confidence for not only your family but also for yourself. 
✔ A safe space to explore and reflect on your own reactions or patterns and understand the stories behind them. 
✔ My favourite tools for promoting connection as a family.
✔ How to stay present in the chaos of parenting and life.  
✔ How to create and strengthen connection bonds which might have been different to those you were exposed to. 
Empowered Emotions is designed for families who want to ensure that they are supporting and nurturing their children to develop the confidence and emotional resilience to THRIVE together as a family. 
It recognises YOU as the expert in your own family’s life. It recognises that YOU know your child best. We want to help you find strategies that are individual and unique to YOUR family’s needs.
I’m a creative, compassionate, sunshine loving mental health occupational therapist based in Mparntwe/ Alice Springs. I established a successful private practice early on in my career and desperately wanted to be able to help more families- but was on the verge of burnout. 
What followed next was a deep dive and A LOT of soul searching to find a way to not only serve the families I work with, but empower them in their journey to co-regulation, confidence and connection. With an added bonus of nervous and sensory system nurturing TLC strategies.
And so Empowered Emotions™ was born! 
I believe in this work SO much and have poured my heart into this program. These are the connection-based strategies that I continue to come back to time and time again.
This online workshop has been created for those at all stages of their emotional wellbeing journey – and we hope you love it as much as we do! 

When you sign up for Empowered Emotions you receive:

✔ Fortnightly LIVE group calls with question and answer time to discuss any challenges or difficulties specific to YOUR family’s needs with OT Inspire Director & Occupational Therapist, Mia Poklepovich.
✔ Daily support through our ACTIVE confidential group chat function from Mia, the OT Inspire team and each other.
✔ The opportunity to build connections through a group based program to help your family thrive through emotional connection, resilience and confidence. 


As the FIRST group of Empowered Emotions clients you will also receive at no extra charge: 

✔ A 1:1 30 minute consultation call with Mia Poklepovich- Director & Senior Therapist at OT Inspire  - including a sensory processing overview and follow up personalised resources with specific strategies for one family member (more can be purchased within the program at a later time if you wish) valued at $750.
✔ Bonus - Free Access to our Fine Motor Skills Workshop.
✔ Our OT Inspire Australia Family Connection Pack (Our exclusive signature family resource pack to support emotional and sensory regulation within the home) Valued at $250.00.
✔ Our OT Inspire Australia Whole Family Journal pack valued at $150.

Why is Empowered Emotions different from other programs?

While traditional therapy methods may work very well for many people- at OT Inspire Australia the aim has always been to do things differently- adjusting our module of communication and education to actually support busy families. Our programs are for families who would rather use their time to CONNECT with each other rather than drive to face to face appointments. We understand that today’s world is busier than ever and we don’t want to add anything extra to your plate. Your cup is FULL!

Whilst we LOVE working with you and your family- we actually DON’T want you to NEED us forever. 

Whilst we love being able to support you long term through our scaled growth programs- our end goal is to actually give YOU the SKILLS and TOOLS to be able to support your family INDIVIDUALLY to grow and thrive in your very own way.
This is why our OT Inspire community is SO strong- because we want to EMPOWER you to feel CONFIDENT and SUPPORTED to be able to reach your family’s full potential through our holistic, personalised and warm approach. We know that YOU are the expert in your family’s lives- not us. We want to know what YOU need and work together with you. 

This is my favourite approach and the way I love to work. I would love you to join our incredible community.

What does the Program Look Like?


Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment for Emotions to Grow

Creating a safe space for open communication and empathetic listening
Establishing clear family boundaries to ensure everyone feels safe and secure
Exploring emotional identification from a non-judgement perspective with our children


How to Support our Nervous Systems to Thrive

Learning how our nervous system protects and affects us 
How to get OUT of “Fight or Flight” mode in stressful situations when it isn’t serving you
How to use your nervous system for co-regulation and confidence building for YOU and YOUR family
Family based education strategies for looking after our nervous system

Understanding our Sensory Systems and How they Relate to Emotional Regulation 

Understanding our sensory systems and how they relate to the outside world
How sensory regulation can support us to co-regulate in times of stress
Learning practical and personalised strategies to assist with sensory regulation in the home and classroom
How to co-regulate to connect as a family with confidence


Talking about Confidence, Body Signals and Cultivating a Healthy Body Image

How to talk about safe boundaries, body signals and body safety in an open and nurturing way
Promoting a healthy, nurturing and loving body image from the beginning
Creating confidence through practical personalised family based activities and strategies for your family unit


Promoting a Healthy Wellbeing and Resilience 

Promoting a healthy sleep hygiene and healthy habits
Our best strategies and supports for screen time
How to encourage and weave self care, rest and down time as a family
Creating opportunities for rest and restoration through connection 


Developing Practical & Individualised Strategies to Support Co-Regulation for your family 

Developing and defining your families values and boundaries 
Acknowledging and unwinding old patterns which may no longer be serving us
Understanding and developing a framework for strategies to support your families individual needs for connection
How to implement practical strategies within the home which support your individual family’s needs

I know your family means more to you than anything else in this world.


I know you’re feeling dysregulated, burnt out and exhausted.


I see you doing your absolute best.

I know you are more capable and wonderful than you feel right now. 


Let us HELP YOU fill your cup first.


Because ONLY once your cup is overflowing, THEN can it fill the cups of your loved ones with connection, resilience, compassion and confidence.
Let us be your heart lead roadmap for a while, I know it’s going to get better than we ever imagined.